এইচএসসি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Modifiers - Set 10

Set 10

Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a (a) _____ (pre-modify the noun) farmer who used (b) _____ (post-modify the verb by using infinitive) on other people’s land. With great effort they married (c) _____ (use an pronoun) daughters off by the time they reached teenage. Their sons also started (d) _____ (use present participle to modify the verb) with their father as (e) _____ (pre-modify the noun) labourers when they were old enough to help. By the time they were seventeen, they left for towns (f) _____ (use infinitive to post modify the verb) money. At first they used to send money to their parents (g) _____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) but after getting married they barely had enough to support their (h) _____ (pre-modify the noun) families. Out of desperation, Ayesha Begum started (i) _____ (post-modify the verb) in the village to feed her old, (j) _____ (pre-modify the noun) husband and herself.

Answer: a. poor b. to work c. their d. working e. day f. to earn g. occasionally h. own i. begging j. invalid/poor

মনোয়ারুল ইসলাম, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা স্টেট কলেজ, ঢাকা

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